• PubHelper was founded in early 2017 as a small yet specialized company dedicated to providing newly graduated individuals in the medical and scientific fields with the skill set and one-to-one tutoring that they commonly lacked in the proper and required procedures inherent in all forms of research, both practical and theoretical.
    With time, the concept and demand for was on offer far surpassed out most optimistic predictions. The company grew from a small on-site organization for one institution to a multi-institutional service for a multitude of struggling and confounded research aspirants.
    We now employ many dozens of specialized staff in the fields with proven publication records, certified proficiency in a variety of tools and skill-sets such as bio-statisticians and meta-analysts, that work tirelessly to provide our clients with the help and coaching they need.

  • Waraqa is competent to organize and run educational and technical courses, social events, and conferences in how to conduct research, pitfalls and tips in methodology and write-up, among other similar titles.
    The exact nature and content of these events and courses is negotiable and dependent on the needs of the Client, and degree of interest shown by the target audience.
    Possessing an extensive network of fellows, resources and personnel, we are able to provide experts on a variety of subjects in the medical and research fields, ensure the most competent and learned professionals are available to discourse at length on the subjects being addressed.
    Should the presentation or informative documents need to be tailored to an Arabic-only speaking demographic, Waraqa has access to proficient translators to supply the material as needed.

  • As recently as a few years ago, research grants management systems (RGMS) were designed purely as productivity tools—automating manual tasks to make life easier for the grants manager. Fast forward a few years, and the role of the RGMS and the expectations around it have expanded to encompass ease of use, impact analysis, and built-in collaboration capabilities that connect an organization with others in the research ecosystem. In a nutshell, grants management systems have evolved from pure productivity tools to fully fledged platforms. A modern RGMS not only drives efficiency and accuracy, but also serves as a platform for innovation and decision making.

  • Waraqa, as a publisher, has a proven and well-respected record in journal publications, upkeep, and online footprint management that make it ideal for providing customers with all their needs. It is their mission to become a household name in the Middle East for all services in scientific journal creation. To this end, we employ or have ties with companies and individuals specialized in media and branding, website creation, and content review accredited boards to guarantee the best possible outcome for any project. Our strength lies in our specialization in the correct handling of medical and other scientific works, from their infancy to their publication in custom created online journals.
    Among our various successes may be found the recognized “International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries” (IJMDC), which is well into its 6th volume since its creations in 2017; and the more recently established “Saudi Journal for Emergency Medicine”, (SJEM) which is already starting to see more widespread popularity and some international acclaim.

  • Based on a careful and diverse assessment of the market and its demands, we aim to provide the following services which can be tailored to the designs of a Client to more efficiently achieve their goals.

    Waraqa publishing house

    Our SErvices

    Waraqa Publishing Services


    PubHelper was founded in early 2017 as a small yet specialized company dedicated to providing newly graduated individuals in the medical and scientific fields with the skill set and one-to-one tutoring that they commonly lacked in the proper and required procedures inherent in all forms of research, both practical and

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    Waraqa Publishing Services

    Educational Courses Workshops & Events

    Waraqa is competent to organize and run educational and technical courses, social events, and conferences in how to conduct research, pitfalls and tips in methodology and write-up, among other similar titles.
    The exact nature and content of these events and courses is negotiable and dependent on the needs of the

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    Waraqa Publishing Services

    Research Grant Management Services

    As recently as a few years ago, research grants management systems (RGMS) were designed purely as productivity tools—automating manual tasks to make life easier for the grants manager. Fast forward a few years, and the role of the RGMS and the expectations around it have expanded to encompass ease of

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    Waraqa Publishing Services

    Publishing Services

    Waraqa, as a publisher, has a proven and well-respected record in journal publications, upkeep, and online footprint management that make it ideal for providing customers with all their needs. It is their mission to become a household name in the Middle East for all services in scientific journal creation. To

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    Waraqa Publishing Services

    Editorial Services

    Based on a careful and diverse assessment of the market and its demands, we aim to provide the following services which can be tailored to the designs of a Client to more efficiently achieve their goals.

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